How much snow is at the Yurts?

For the Cumbres Pass Yurts there is a snow gauge at both Cumbres and La Manga Passes. We will report on these depths here.

The USDA Natural Resources Conservation Services monitors the snow depth at Cumbres Pass with a Snotel gauge (Cumbres Trestle) whose daily reports can be viewed here. There is usually more snow at the Yurts than at these gauges because the Yurts are higher in elevation.

The best information for the depth of snow at the Bull of the Woods Yurt is the daily report from Taos Ski Valley. It is usually comparable to the depth at the Yurt However, the trail into this Yurt may not have nearly as much since it has a southern aspect.

Is it possible to travel from Yurt to Yurt?


The Cumbres Pass system has three Yurts (Neff Mountain, Flat Mountain, and Trujillo Meadows) that can be skied between. Flat Mountain and Trujillo Meadows Yurts share the same trailhead making a loop. One can ski to/from Neff Mountain Yurt and this same trail head as well in about 4.5 miles.

Can beginners ski to the Yurts?

Yes. The skis to the yurts are strenuous, but not technical.

In order to ski out from the Yurt one will need to be able to check their speed and maintain balance.

Can I snow shoe to the Yurt?

Yes! All of the Yurts are attainable with snow shoes.

There are more and more snow shoers each year using the Yurts.

How long does it take to get to the Yurt?

This is an impossible question for us to answer for you.

Factors such as the weather, snow conditions, your group’s fitness level, the fitness level of your weakest member, type of equipment, weight of packs, etc all contribute to the answer.

Ultimately, you will want to allow for as much time as possible for the best outcome.

Is there Drinking Water at the Yurt?


In Winter, water is by snowmelt. There are 2 large stainless steel pots, which live on the woodstove for melting snow for cooking, drinking, and doing dishes There are other large pots for collecting snow. It is recommended that all drinking water be boiled or treated. It is easy to cool down boiled water by putting covered pots outside.

In Summer, bottled water is provided for drinking and cooking. Additional water for washing, solar shower, and dishes (if boiled or treated) is also available in large blue drums adjacent to the stairs.

Do I need a sleeping bag?

Yes, you will need to bring a sleeping bag.

The mattresses have fitted sheets.

You will need to bring any sheets, blankets, or sleeping bag that you desire.

Are Dogs allowed at the Yurts?

In Winter, No dogs are permitted at the Yurts.

At Bull of the Woods Yurt during the Summer (May 15 through October) dogs are allowed.

Owners must maintain voice control over their pets at all times.